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Steam Only Counter-Strike Server
You need HldsUpdateTool
Choose "C:" HDD drive to create the server and steamhlds folder
Go in C: and create a new folder, called steamhlds.
You must instal HldsUpdateTool in the steamhlds folder.
After that go to strat -> run. There, write cmd and press enter
Will appear a black windows (Command promt). Write this line, there, and press enter:
cd c:steamhlds
After that, write the next line and press enter:
hldsupdatetool -command update -game cstrike -dir c:steamhlds
Must show you something like this:
HLDS installation up to date
AdminMOD Installation:
First we need AdminMOD 2.50.60
After AdminMOD download, extract the archive ANYWHERE.
You will have a new folder called Adminmod. Inside the folder, double-clik on install_admin.vbs.
Press OK. You will install it in: c:steamhldshl.exe. (our example)
Next, you write in the box 1 (for counter-strike) ; press OK and that's all.
AdminMOD Configuration:
The minimal configuration for AdminMod
We are going in: C:HLDScstrikeaddonsadminmodconfig. Here we have some files that require out atention. We start with adminmod.cfg that we open with WordPad.
admin_balance_teams - we are not interested in this, so let it 0
admin_bot_protection - if is 0 and we have bot's on the server, this cvar will let the admin to slay/ kick ban, to bot's.
admin_connect_msg - this is the message that will appeare to the player, in the middle of the monitor, after he connect's to the server.
admin_cs_restrict - we will put it on 1 to restrict the weapons in the game.
admin_debug - we are not interested in this, so let it 0
admin_fun_mode - this cvar will make the players to shine. So let it 0.
admin_fx - we will put change it in 1. Special effects
admin_gag_name - 0 or 1 . Witch you like..
admin_gag_sayteam - 0 or 1 . Witch you like..
admin_highlander - this must be 0, because if will change it in 1, only the "biggest" admin will have acces to commands.
admin_ignore_immunity - If is 1 the admins / moderators can kick, ban, slay each other.
admin_repeat_msg - The green message that will appear on the center every 5-10 minutes.
admin_quiet - if is 0, the commands will appear with the admin nick. If is 1, the commands will appear without admin nickname.
allow_client_exec - MUST BE 1 !. With this command you will force the player to execute the commands (quit..)
password_field - the most important cvar,. what we will write here, the admins must write in game-consol before connecting to the server. For example if we put _password, the admin gigi with the password gigi123 must write in the game-console gigi after that setinfo _password gigi123 before connecting to the server.
reserve_slots - Here we will write the number of reserved slots. when the server is full, the admin can connect to it.
reserve_type - we are not interested in this, so let it 0
You will see that we don't write all cvars because it's recommended to let them in the original form.
Adding admins:
Go in C:steamhldscstrikeaddonsadminmodconfig. and open users.ini with NotePad:
Admin Tips:
1) You can make admin by the nickname [name:password:acces] ; You can make your own acces, here
example: john:mike:131017 (john is the player nick, mike is the password and 131017 is the acces.
2) You can make admin by the IP::
It look's like this: ip:password:acces
example : 86.466.224.55:mike:65535
If you have admins by the IP, is not necessar to put a password.
Without password, look's like this :67.344.24.55::131071
3) You can make admin by the steamID:
It look's like this: steamid:password:acces
example : STEAM_0:3255:mike:255
To log in as admin on the server(If you have an admin with password) follow the next steps:
Connect on the server with another name; for example johny.
After that write in the game console, setinfo _pw-home PASSWORD or admin_password PASSWORD
Replace PASSWORD with your admin password, after that change the nickname into your admin nickname:
Example : admin_password mike ; name john
That's All about AdminMOD.
For other settign, open the server.cfg file, that you find in "C:steamhldscstrike"
VAC2 Activation:
- Go in "C:steamhlds" and create a shortcut to hlds.exe (the red icon with half-life logo)
- Now you have a shortcut in the desktop, called "Shortcut to hlds.exe".
- Right click on the shortcut and go to properties.
- Serch in that windows, Target:"C:steamhldshlds.exe" ; after that add the next line:
-console -game cstrike -port <your port ; example 27015> -autoupdate +secure +sport 27014 +ip <your IP ; example 87.124.664.23> +maxplayers <maxim number of players > +map <example : cs_bikini>
Now, must look like this:
"C:steamhldshlds.exe" -console -game cstrike -port 27015 -autoupdate +secure +sport 27014 +ip 87.124.664.23 +maxplayers 20 +map cs_bikini